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                       'Golf Methodologies' and                                                      'The Pocket Caddie Swing Calibrator™'

The 'Pocket Caddie Swing Calibrator™' has been designed by
inventor, putter designer, custom club builder, and sports golf author, 
James J.D. Gragg of the United States.  James has personally
worked with the PGA Tour Pros and their Pro Caddies 
"Inside the PGA Tour Ropes" side-by-side where he
received a 100% positive feedback on the book
and the 'Swing Calibrator™ ' system!


Anyone who has used James' products or followed his career knows just how meticulous he is about all of his creations - having over 125 inventions and
innovations in use in over 60 countries worldwide - James instills quality
and functionality in 'every' product - in 'every' unit - and the
''Pocket Caddie Swing Calibrator™' is no different!

In fact, this might be the greatest yet as some are already calling the
the 'Pocket Caddie Swing Calibrator™' the 'Genesis Device' of golf.


Published Articles about the Author of '18 Strokes Golf Methodologies™ & Creator of the 'Pocket Caddie Swing Calibrator™

Sources Christian St.James biographer Masonic Capron Wall Street Journal 
Legal Metric Tech-EUROPE Google Project Huffington Post Biografia

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& Trademark Office History Of Spinners Datopedia Tru-
Spinners AP Tru-Spinners Triple-X Wheel OutLet

WEB America Laura O. Robinson, Ph.D. 

Huffington Post




Masonic Capron


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Iron & Steel

Razor Robotics

Tube Gold


Art Rocker


Wheel Rods

Answer Bag

Info Rapid

Hi Point Firearms

Retailing 1111

Ask Jeeves


Legal Metric

Zibb / ATS TM's

xB Topia

Best Pictures

Laura O. Robinson, Ph.D.


You Tube TruSpinners

History Of Spinners

Mitra Images ATS

Datopedia TRU-Spinners

AP Tru-Spinners

Gold Dream

Page Insider

Street Ryders MW

World News

Answer Bag

Triple-X Wheel OutLet

ATS Legal



Phat Caps

WEB American Tru-Spinners

OMNI Intellectual Properties


Odd Girl Out Productions






All Intellectual Properties fall under the Omni Intellectual Property umbrella - Est. 1994 ~ 2022©
All Trademarks™ - Copyrights® - Patents & Pats Pending - U.S. & Foreign PCT Treaty Active
Reviews - Multiple Articles - Interviews - Sources - Research by Publicist & Media Master H. Ussery 

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